

Went to a workshop on copyright - a surprising place to encounter stereotyping and racist discourse, I agree - but when it comes to national stereotypes in discussion of international law, there's more scope than I'd imagined.

Aside from a general sneering towards other people's laws, there's was one which particularly stood out. He was illlustrating the difference in national laws specifically in the sphere of the Internet. We were told that in Albania it is ok to have pornography where one person strangles another - this was then allied with the fact that it is a former soviet state. While I assume it is true there is no specific law against strangulation pornography there, there was an implied correlation between ethnicity or nationality and this fact. That he chose to cite this example, I believe also betrays his understanding and prejudices of former soviet states - because, afterall, he could have chosen many other examples to illustrate differences between different national copyright laws and its ramifications on the internet. The fact that he is also a dominant culture religious leader, as he mentioned, added to my surprise that he seemed to betray very clearly a feeling of superiority over anyone he sees as "them".

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