

Having driven for hours through the remote desert region of the Pilbara to a roadhouse called Nanutarra, I was greeted by a restaurant filled with loud Germans. I mean groups talking at the tops of their voices.

Despite the fact that I no longer enjoy hating Germans (one side-effect of this diary) I still tensed up in the over-whelming presence. I really resent them. I resent that its them who visit this remote region and not other Australians. I remember when I visitied the Karijini last year, the few other visitors to that magnificent National Park were locals from Port Hedland (Western Australia) and Germans and very few Britons.

I was annoyed then, as I am now, that Aussies do not get the opportunity to visit their own country - costs and/or infrastructure being prohibitive for most. It can also be siad that most Australians look for beauty, adventure, culture beyond their shores. I understand that. I used to live in Melbourne and for the past 11 years live in London. I probably only value Australia because I left.

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